A Little History:
Our story begins in Pocatello, Idaho, circa 1972, when the lovely Debby Christensen agreed to a first, though fateful date with admirer, David Croshaw. Long story-short, he bade her follow him, and they went arm-in-arm to the Logan, Utah temple for establishment of an eternal family unit, Generation 1, on May 23 1973.

From their first blissful summer in Salt Lake City, educational pursuits took them to Provo/Orem, Utah, birthplace of Leslie and Rebecca, and to San Francisco/Oakland California, birthplace of Colin and Matt. Then, for establishment of livelihood, expansion of the tribe with Abby and Dana, and for raising/unifying of Generation 2, it was back to the roots in Pocatello for a rewarding sojourn.

In time, driven by a raging, but commonly shared sense of adventure and independence, one-by-one, Generation 2 escaped the homeland to distant regions of the country and the world, each ultimately developing their own tribal expansions by pairing with worthy mates and initiating Generation 3.

Now sensing fulfillment of their purpose in Pocatello, Generation 1 has also left those roots and transplanted to Cascade Idaho, from which base, they anticipate more abundant contact with The Posterity, Generations 2 and 3, in the future. That contact however, awaits fulfillment of a call to LDS missionary service in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, wherein they hope to help the state of the world by sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

So now, including Generation 0 (Grandma and Grandpa Christensen) home base includes Yuma, Arizona, Pocatello, Idaho, Cascade, Idaho, Vancouver, BC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Spokane, Washington, Boise, Idaho, Los Angeles, California, back to Boise, Idaho, and on and on (Generation 3+) to infinity.

Our Mission Statement:
This is the blog of our eternal family unit. Initiated years ago, it served well as a journal, but even more so, as an archive of our personal interaction. It was a gathering place, a confabulation instrument, a unifying force for four generations of widely dispersed and progressively prolific posterity, and their valued associates. Though it served these purposes well for many years, it eventually took a back seat to new-kids-on-the-block, Facebook, and Instagram, and was sadly forgotten.

We now move to resurrect this blog with an added functional purpose of archiving the missionary experiences of Generation 1, of their movements and activities as they participate with The Gathering of Israel in the land northward. In so doing, we hope that via their own comments and posts, this blog will again serve to gather and unify the posterity and their friends.

As in the past, that the young and vibrant may know the old and tired, that enduring bonds may be fostered and maintained, that experience and encouragement may be openly shared, that posterity may embrace truth, and that hearts may be knit together, we must resist detachment despite our geographic divergence. We shall do so here.

Monday, February 4, 2008

New things

Well, ironically, I was just reliving yesterday what an insane month this has been for us as a family and for me, personally. We began the new year by celebrating with my dear friend Kari and her daughter Kayla. They only make it down about once per year and for the second year in a row, we have gotten to celebrate with them. It was pretty low-key, especially considering I had a hard time keeping my eyes open until midnight. I got to play "SAHM" for a couple weeks and I found this great indoor play place that has tons of blow-up jumping toys including an obstacle course and velcro wall. I thought what an awesome idea that is. I think if we move, I should open one and have play-groups, reading groups, craft times and simple "free from your kids" times for moms who need an hour or two off.
Valerie and her friend discovered "Guitar Hero" and it is, admittedly, an awesome game. Valerie asked her dad for it and now she has it at his house, needless to say, she likes going there a lot now.

Matt found out that his job may be in jeopardy, he finds out Friday if he gets to keep it. Please keep him and his accuracy at filing patent applications in your prayers. This is a pretty scary deal for us.

Valerie is doing well in school but she has taken an interest in boys already... sigh. She spends a lot of time on Webkinz if it is cold outside and if it is not, she is outside playing with the neighbors. I am really grateful for our neighborhood in that sense. It is really nice.

As for me, classes started in full-force, I even had to teach on MLK, Jr day, but that is ok. Valerie was in school too. Matt and my friend Eve came to class and got to learn about menstrual problems ;-) and that PMS is REAL (as if anyone had a doubt).

My grandfather died Friday, which is really hard to believe, I can not believe he is gone. It is so strange, so many things remind me of him. IT really has inspired me to do family history because as far as I know, none at all has been done for my family.

My little brother graduates from Marine Corps Recruit Training (boot camp) February 29 in San Diego. Right now, I am trying to figure out how to get Valerie and I there for him.

I have decided to possibly attend a school close to here to become a certified nurse midwife. I think I would love doing that every day and honestly, teaching as an adjunct does not pay well at all considering the pay rates of others in the department and whole school who teach less than I do. Starting salary for a CNM is close to $100K here and they are in great demand for low-risk pregnancies. I know I would love it. Of course, I am not so sure I want loan debt, etc., but in many ways I am frustrated by the pay at Mary Baldwin.

I have applied, but the acceptance deadline is already passed... it all depends on my motivation to plea my case (and the time to do it)and the school's motivation to take a very late applicant at this point...


Jason and Dana said...

Crystal, I'm so sorry about your grandpa. :(
I need to get better about family history also, as far as we know none of Jason's dad's side of the family has been done, but after his grandparents and their parents they are in Mexico. I need to figure it out though, as it's one of the most important things we can do.

David and Debby said...

So sorry to hear about your Grandfather. He must have been a good man. I read your journal post about him, and It is apparent that he had a lot to do with who you have become. I can see why you would be interested in doing his temple work for him. I commented on your journal post -- some ideas about family history work. Hope it helps.

David and Debby said...

hi crystal,

want to give my condolences as well. what a painful time for you. we are praying for comfort to come to you. We also keep you name and matt's and valerie's on the prayer roll, as well as our prayers. love, debby

David and Debby said...

i forgot to add that i think you would be an incredible nurse midwife. they would be crazy not to accept you into the program. :)

Crystal said...

Thank you so much for your concern. It is really an interesting time. I know you are aware how unfortunate my life has been, but my grandfather's was the same. I do know his birth and death dates, but no idea where he was born. He never talked about his childhood. As far as I know, life began at 18 for him.

He ended up living with his aunt and uncle in high school because his brother actually... well... he received a frontal lobotomy after a horrific crime in the 40's or 50's. I do not know his parents' names, his sibling's names (except one sister Judy (unknown last name), nothing. He retired from the navy but I do not know how accessible those records would be for me. He was very very guarded. I found out about his brother one night when we were talking about one of my brothers (bipolar) but that one mention is all I ever heard. When I asked him if he wanted me to find any names on the Vietnam wall (he was there) he immeadiately put the kabash on any of that talk. Come to think of it, that may be why I never ask anyone personal questions... though when I went to the wall with him (at his suggestion) a couple years ago he told me on the way back home that he saw peoples' names.

My sadness is great- he was a good man, the best kind of survivor spirit, but his life was nothing but struggle- even until the last breath. It is just so overwhelming and sad to me.

I was very close to him, probably closer than anyone else in his life, but I hardly spoke to him at all in the last months because he could not answer the phone. So sad.

Anyway, I could talk forever. I will just be content knowing we got that final conversation. Many people do not.

Valerie said...


Valerie said...


David and Debby said...

side note. matt, have you lost weight? xo mom

Crystal said...

He has! 15 pounds so far! He is awesome! I am going to try to catch up... someday...