Also, thanks to Crystal for reminding us all of the approaching date!
And thanks to Jason for finding something for us to do.
Jason googled (also, thanks Abby for mentioning google :) service projects in Boise and found several things the city always needs help with. He found that the Boise Water Shed (that's the name) needs people to periodically go around and check on these plaques they have by all sewer drains on streets.
The kids did really well, and we got to replace 3 plaques, or as the kids called them, stickers and clues, as in "I found a clue!"(2 were missing and one was broken in half. We probably checked 40-50.)
We meant to do this Wednesday night so I could post it on Friday as well, but it rained all day Wednesday and Thursday, so here it is now. We walked a couple of miles and picked up trash along the way. Part of the job was cleaning up any trash around the drains.
Lots of pictures......
BEST part of the whole thing, while taking a little break the kids had Ila laughing harder than she has ever laughed before, for a LONG time!! Pure joy.
We met an older couple and talked to them for awhile, and after we explained what we were doing the man said to his wife, "Isn't that a great idea? We should do that!" Look at your influence, mom! I'm so proud to be your daughter.
This is something we are going to do at least quarterly, if not more often. Not this exact thing, but service projects of some kind with our kids.
And last, on a spur of the minute idea, we have decided to give our garage sale earnings to the General Temple Patron Assistance Fund. When I heard President Monson mention it in conference I texted mom, wondering if this was brand new, and told her it made me cry when he was talking about it. Mom told me it made her cry too, and Grandma called her soon after asking where on her tithing slip to put their donations. I know how much Mom loves the temple, and I so desperately want to be able to help those unable to go to the temple, so it seemed perfect. We are going to have a garage sale every summer, where what we earn will go toward this fund. I love the church. And I love you, mom. Thanks or helping us become better people by urging us to serve.
Everyone volunteering with me today was doing it through some kind of organization, so they were all confused about what I was doing there. I loved that I got to explain over and over, "it's my mom's birthday present!"
Also - I cried when they talked about the temple fund too. It made me think of all of my LDS friends in Kenya with the closest temple in South Africa. I will most definitely be contributing to this fund.
you make me so proud of you. what a wonderful thing to do with your family. this is one of the best birthdays ever. you guys put it way over the top. i love all of you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Love, love love this idea! What happy kiddos- outside, doing service, being happy is what life is ALL about. I loved the temple fund idea to, Dana. What an amazing person you are. You are right about the temple being #1 to Debby. I know that the temple embodies WHO she is through and through.
the fish thank you.
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