A Little History:
Our story begins in Pocatello, Idaho, circa 1972, when the lovely Debby Christensen agreed to a first, though fateful date with admirer, David Croshaw. Long story-short, he bade her follow him, and they went arm-in-arm to the Logan, Utah temple for establishment of an eternal family unit, Generation 1, on May 23 1973.

From their first blissful summer in Salt Lake City, educational pursuits took them to Provo/Orem, Utah, birthplace of Leslie and Rebecca, and to San Francisco/Oakland California, birthplace of Colin and Matt. Then, for establishment of livelihood, expansion of the tribe with Abby and Dana, and for raising/unifying of Generation 2, it was back to the roots in Pocatello for a rewarding sojourn.

In time, driven by a raging, but commonly shared sense of adventure and independence, one-by-one, Generation 2 escaped the homeland to distant regions of the country and the world, each ultimately developing their own tribal expansions by pairing with worthy mates and initiating Generation 3.

Now sensing fulfillment of their purpose in Pocatello, Generation 1 has also left those roots and transplanted to Cascade Idaho, from which base, they anticipate more abundant contact with The Posterity, Generations 2 and 3, in the future. That contact however, awaits fulfillment of a call to LDS missionary service in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, wherein they hope to help the state of the world by sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

So now, including Generation 0 (Grandma and Grandpa Christensen) home base includes Yuma, Arizona, Pocatello, Idaho, Cascade, Idaho, Vancouver, BC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Spokane, Washington, Boise, Idaho, Los Angeles, California, back to Boise, Idaho, and on and on (Generation 3+) to infinity.

Our Mission Statement:
This is the blog of our eternal family unit. Initiated years ago, it served well as a journal, but even more so, as an archive of our personal interaction. It was a gathering place, a confabulation instrument, a unifying force for four generations of widely dispersed and progressively prolific posterity, and their valued associates. Though it served these purposes well for many years, it eventually took a back seat to new-kids-on-the-block, Facebook, and Instagram, and was sadly forgotten.

We now move to resurrect this blog with an added functional purpose of archiving the missionary experiences of Generation 1, of their movements and activities as they participate with The Gathering of Israel in the land northward. In so doing, we hope that via their own comments and posts, this blog will again serve to gather and unify the posterity and their friends.

As in the past, that the young and vibrant may know the old and tired, that enduring bonds may be fostered and maintained, that experience and encouragement may be openly shared, that posterity may embrace truth, and that hearts may be knit together, we must resist detachment despite our geographic divergence. We shall do so here.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A highly random and unimportant poll

Here it is:

Are hot dogs and bologna made of the same stuff? Or, to put it differently, are hot dogs basically little tubes of bologna?

I say no.

David emphatically says yes.

Discuss. The more rationalizations you can come up with, the better.

(And yes, these are the kinds of conversations we get into all the time. It's fun to live at our house! :)


Colin & Lori said...

I don't know what they're made of, but the best hot dogs are the cheese dogs. Otherwise just eat Brats.
And I only eat balogna if it's fried.

David and Debby said...

does everyone remember grandma's bologna ground stuff with pickles and other stuff. really good. i think they are very similar, but maybe the differences come to make bologna flat and hold together. good question. have you googled it? mom

David and Debby said...

from google:




So technically, no. But either way... they don't sound too good.

but i think they have very similar ingredients.

David and Debby said...

From what I've heard, whether they're the same or not, you don't wan to know how they're made - would not be good for your appetite.

Leslie said...

I think they're basically the same thing, except that bologna has more preservatives. I did find this on wikipedia. I wanted to check, because I'd heard that pregnant women shouldn't eat hot dogs or lunch meat. This is why: Because an unopened, packaged hot dog can have listeriosis bacteria, it is safer to heat them, especially for pregnant women and those with suppressed immune systems.

Also...this was very interesting: An American Institute for Cancer Research report found that consuming one 50-gram serving of processed meat — about one hot dog — every day increases risk of colorectal cancer by 20 percent. The Cancer Project group filed a class-action lawsuit demanding warning labels on packages and at sporting events. Hot dogs are high in fat and salt and have preservatives sodium nitrate and nitrite, believed to cause cancer. According to the AICR, the average risk of colorectal cancer is 5.8 percent, but 7 percent when a hot dog is consumed daily over years.

I guess moderation in all things is important, especially when it comes to hot dogs!!

You parents might also want to know that: Hot dogs present a significant choking risk, especially for children. A study in the U.S. found that 17% of food-related asphyxiations among children younger than 10 years of age were caused by hot dogs. Their size, shape and texture make them difficult to expel from the windpipe. This risk can be reduced by cutting a hot dog into small pieces or lengthwise strips before serving to young children. It is suggested that redesign of size, shape and texture would reduce the risk. Pediatric emergency doctors note that a stuck hot dog is almost impossible to dislodge from a child's windpipe.

Scary!! Colin, have you seen this in the ER yet?

And then...just a fun fact: The world's longest hot dog created was 60 m (196.85 ft), which rested within a 60.3 m bun. The hot dog was prepared by Shizuoka Meat Producers for the All-Japan Bread Association, which baked the bun and coordinated the event, including official measurement for the world record. The hot dog and bun were the center of a media event in celebration of the Association's 50th anniversary on August 4, 2006, at the Akasaka Prince Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

Look what you started, Abby!

Colin & Lori said...

I just learned more about hot dogs than I have or will ever learn for the rest of my life. I have not seen a hot dog emergency yet but it may be coming.

Crystal said...

Hmmmmm- I have never eaten or purchased bologna and would love to have the same fortitude About hot dogs, but I actually like them once in a while in the summer. I like Nathan's and Hebrew National. I peel and cut up hot dogs for Asher, but (you guessed it) I only have let him have them MAYBE twice... Same thing with lunch meat... I'm a meany. He had his first lollipop in February :-) lollipops are the sMe as hotdogs and bologna.

Oscar meyer has more to say than b-o-l-o-g-n-a

What does that even mean?

abbynormal said...

Come on guys, seriously! They don't even TASTE the same!

I'm just sayin'.

Leslie said...

Abby, maybe if you cooked bologna it would taste like a hot dog. ;)

Colin & Lori said...

No, they don't taste the same cooked or uncooked. I will not eat bologna-EVER unless I am starving. If you eat a hot dog every day you deserve all the gross things you might get. So gross.

Jason and Dana said...

Hahhahaha! I love you all.
I'm with you Abby, they are completely different, especially the all beef kind. I just cannot buy the cheap dogs.

David Chipman said...

First of all, let's examine the hard evidence. Both are the same shape. I know, one is flatter than the other. But guarantee hot dogs also slice up nicely. Just look at the in-between state that is put into beanie weanie!

Both are made of questionable meats, deamed unacceptable by several faiths. (I've seen beef versions of both though, in case you're wondering. Beef bacon? also available, and served daily at my hotel in Riyadh.)

Both made by the same company. If you have doubts, may I just comment that the other day I caught abby singing that catchy jingle.... my hot dog has a first name. It's O-S-C-A-R.... Need I say much more?

At any rate, I'm quite convinced that hot dogs are made from the small bits of "meat" that fall out of the mold when the bologna is pressed into that funny shape. Any leftovers from the hot dog process is promptly added to the vienna sausage mold and pressed into those even smaller versions of the same thing.

Anyway, this is the kind of heated discussions that Abby and I have. I do appreciate those that are honest enough to admit that the alleged meats that are the subject of this entry are, in fact, from the same family, and are likely just put into different packaging.

I rest my case. Pass the ketchup. I'm eating a hamburger.

abbynormal said...

Whatever, DAVID was singing, "My hot dog has a first name..." !!!!! Don't even try to pin that one on me!

David Chipman said...

But it's stuck in your head too now. Don't worry I won't tell everyone else that you were singing it in your sleep on the train...

David and Debby said...

Now, that's an interesting picture.

Jason and Dana said...

Isn't it "my bologna has a first name"? Ice never heard it with hot dog.

Leslie said...

Yes, Dana! It's my bologna not my hot dog. You're right! And I think it's in everyone's head right now. ;)

abbynormal said...

That's my point! David is trying to pretend that they could be interchangeable! Don't fall into his trap!