Well, it seems that knowing how addicted I am to work, especially wood work, and having heard the stories of my childhood, they decided to give me a momento of both. As I open the jewelry box, expecting a watch or something, I find a buch of bent nails.
Accompanying the nails was a note, inscribed with the directive,
"Merry Christmas! Make your dad proud."
The fact that Jason had so many bent nails available from his remodel project indicates two things: 1. His aim is not very good; and 2. He's figured out the other lesson I learned from that childhood labor -- I swore I would never straighten nails nor fuss with used lumber again, because my time is worth more than that. That aside, I am still grateful for the other lessons learned, lessons I still apply, almost every day.
Actually, a little aside here, reclaimed lumber is all the rage these days, and is more expensive than new hardwood. You know, it gives the structure more... "character," more "ambiance." Hey, I wonder if we could convince people of the same value of straightened nails. With my valuable skill, we could get rich.
Anyway, if any of you think straightening nails would be easy, I invite you to give it a try. Here's a little technique instruction:
Bowed side up/hit the nail directly on the peak - continue until straight. Watch your fingers. For twisted nails, you're on your own.
PS: Jason, I'll have the straightened nails back to you this week, but you have to reuse them.
I just randomly came across your blog, and thought I would share that I found your 'bent nail' very moving-putting those nails in your brothers house will keep that memory alive forever.
Actually, I was just kidding about sending straightened nails back to him, but your thoughtful comment makes me think that maybe I should do it. Thanks for the input.
That is great. I'm proud to say I have had to buy very few materials. From the demolition I've been able to reuse a lot of the wood and have found "obsolete inventory" at work that they have given me for free. Once the project is done I will have to give you a full report. I did think the note was a nice touch, because it was half of a used envelope. Something I remember seeing Debby use. You know, those envelopes that come with your bills. Another frugal tip I saw.
But if you are going to send me back those nails, better hurry, I'm running out of a use for them on this project.
And by the way, now I feel bad about the nice jewlery box, because for all you have done for us you deserve a lot more than a bunch of bent nails. But hey, I guess at least none of them were rusty.
And I need more practice on straitening nails. I don't have the hand strength to keep the nail from twisting when I hit it on the bowed area. Maybe some lessons while you are here later this month?
I love to reuse things!! I HATE getting a new piece of paper to write a list on, I would much rather use an old envelope. However, I draw the line at ziplock bags, something I know Debby is good at. Jason, you are just so thoughtful!! And David, when are you going to come here?
I love this story. I always worry about teaching my kids to work. It seems that with all of our modern conveniences there is not much left to do for ourselves. Ray is actually better at making them work than I am, he is much more patient with their inexperience and lack of perfection. But this story has just highlighted to me how I need to make my kids participate in my daily household chores more!!
Christina really hit the nail on the head, am I right?
It's a good lesson to learn to be frugal. I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned in planting 9000 trees too, but I haven't figured that one out yet.
We have all indirectly benefited from Grandpa's lessons in frugality and thrift and hard work through Dad.
By the way, when are you coming out here this spring? I have a fence that will need installing. You're grandkids miss you too.
What a sweet gift! I love the thread...and all of your comments, they speak to poignant lessons, sweet memories, and the deeper meaning that we should see in so many facets of our lives...Happy New Year you guys! Char
The trees are going to make mom and I live longer - all the extra oxygen.
Thanks to my dad, I have a hard time paying anyone else to do something for me, because he taught me how to do it myself, or at least how to figure it out. Sometimes that's a curse. Just ask Mom, who never has any time with me because I'm involved with some project. Which brings me your fence. We're planning to get out there this spring (April or May) to see my grandkids, and fence-building will supply the manditory project. I'll bring the nails.
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