I am shocked no one has posted since the dishwasher post! I suppose Matt and I are the only ones to have been maintaining a sense of normalcy for 2 days now...
I just want to say I am so grateful- so utterly humbled- to be a part of such an amazing family. It has actually been a REALLY hard couple months for me for many, many reasons... suffice it to say that I have been under the gun with the thesis, I have been struggling with working like a dog and seeing no end in sight, I am devastated by my grandfather, and honestly... I am having a really hard time seeing what is happening to Matt and I in the near future. Things seemed all fine and dandy before we were married- the plan was that I would work this year and Matt would start law school next year and hopefully by then, we would have a baby and I would only be working part time...
Well... I got the feeling when thinking about how all of this is not working out how we planned, that God is in control. There are reasons all of this is happening the way it is. I suppose the hard part for me was that I felt like everyone either did not realize the severity of the situation (with the LSAT scores, miscarriage, thesis, etc...) or that everyone was just acting as if all is well, when really and truly- all is not well, but it is manageable.
Also- since being married, I have moved from all my friends and I feel pretty isolated and I do not hear from anyone regularly. I only have a few peoples' phone numbers, I save them to my phone when I am called, and I sometimes feel no interest in me or Valerie, but a lot of serious interest in Abby's boyfriend... you know? So... what I am saying is I am really sorry for being aggravated and feeling sad about all this. It is new to me and I had expectations that I really should not have. I will be trying much harder to be realistic.
I am so impressed by the family and how awesome Matt's syblings (I know I spell it wrong, but I love the word so much more with a "y" than with an "i") and parents are. I plan to write to each of you that I got to spend time with this weekend, my heart is so full of love for all of you. So absolutely full and I want to tell each of you why.
I loved Kirtland so much and it made me so sad to realize how far away from the Gospel the Community of Christ is and how amazing it is to be a part of the true Church with temples where ordinances and veils are a part of enlightenment and salvation. It is mind-boggling the misunderstanding that the current ownership of the temple has. What a blessing to know what happened there...
Our talks went well, we both cried and talked, of course, about the most-incredible answered prayer we have had- to find each other.
I sat there completely in awe of my husband and to think... he chose me...
More later, I need to figure out where to put the ginormous tree.