Okay, I'm ready for Megan and Lil to go home. Enough already. UNCLE! (Although how cute was Lil's daughter?)
I am SO glad Scott finally showed what he's really got! I loved it.What was with the 80s hair??? I couldn't stop laughing about it!
Danny was amazing.
Adam was back to annoying me. I know, I'm like the only person out there. But he's definitely a unique singer with his own style and he can sing....okay, maybe I liked it a little. :)
Loved Allison, but I noticed the outfit when they were standing out on the stage at the beginning and agreed it seemed like she was trying to be something she wasn't, but she really is...did that make any sense?
Anoop and Matt.....I almost forgot their songs. That sums it up.
Kris, LOVED IT!!! He's now my favorite. Although, he needs to lose the 'stache.
My top 3-Kris, Allison, and Danny....I think followed by Adam, what's happening to me?
I think the bottom 3 will be Anoop, Matt, and Lil. Megan should be, but she's VFTW...
A Little History:
Our story begins in Pocatello, Idaho, circa 1972, when the lovely Debby Christensen agreed to a first, though fateful date with admirer, David Croshaw. Long story-short, he bade her follow him, and they went arm-in-arm to the Logan, Utah temple for establishment of an eternal family unit, Generation 1, on May 23 1973.
From their first blissful summer in Salt Lake City, educational pursuits took them to Provo/Orem, Utah, birthplace of Leslie and Rebecca, and to San Francisco/Oakland California, birthplace of Colin and Matt. Then, for establishment of livelihood, expansion of the tribe with Abby and Dana, and for raising/unifying of Generation 2, it was back to the roots in Pocatello for a rewarding sojourn.
In time, driven by a raging, but commonly shared sense of adventure and independence, one-by-one, Generation 2 escaped the homeland to distant regions of the country and the world, each ultimately developing their own tribal expansions by pairing with worthy mates and initiating Generation 3.
Now sensing fulfillment of their purpose in Pocatello, Generation 1 has also left those roots and transplanted to Cascade Idaho, from which base, they anticipate more abundant contact with The Posterity, Generations 2 and 3, in the future. That contact however, awaits fulfillment of a call to LDS missionary service in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, wherein they hope to help the state of the world by sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
So now, including Generation 0 (Grandma and Grandpa Christensen) home base includes Yuma, Arizona, Pocatello, Idaho, Cascade, Idaho, Vancouver, BC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Spokane, Washington, Boise, Idaho, Los Angeles, California, back to Boise, Idaho, and on and on (Generation 3+) to infinity.
Our Mission Statement:
This is the blog of our eternal family unit. Initiated years ago, it served well as a journal, but even more so, as an archive of our personal interaction. It was a gathering place, a confabulation instrument, a unifying force for four generations of widely dispersed and progressively prolific posterity, and their valued associates. Though it served these purposes well for many years, it eventually took a back seat to new-kids-on-the-block, Facebook, and Instagram, and was sadly forgotten.
We now move to resurrect this blog with an added functional purpose of archiving the missionary experiences of Generation 1, of their movements and activities as they participate with The Gathering of Israel in the land northward. In so doing, we hope that via their own comments and posts, this blog will again serve to gather and unify the posterity and their friends.
As in the past, that the young and vibrant may know the old and tired, that enduring bonds may be fostered and maintained, that experience and encouragement may be openly shared, that posterity may embrace truth, and that hearts may be knit together, we must resist detachment despite our geographic divergence. We shall do so here.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Teach what we have learned
I was watching KBYU the other night, and a speaker said when we learn things, it is important to teach them to someone else, to teach that person, and to reenforce the learning for ourselves. I have learned a few things in the last week or so which I would like to pass on.
I was reading the First Pres. message this month by Pres. Eyring. I felt his words were true. He said, "Truth can prepare its own way. Simply hearing the words of doctrine can plant the seed of faith in the heart." I know that I need to have more confidence in the power of the word.
"The best time to teach is early, while children are still immune to the temptations of their mortal enemy and long before the words of truth may be harder still for them to hear in the noise of their personal struggles...The question must be, 'With so little time and so few opportunities, what words of doctrine from me will fortify them against the attacks on their faith which are sure to come?'" I had never thought about it that way, about teaching young children. Anyway, if I had thought it before, I relearned it today. For all of you parents out there, can you imagine the impact on your children's lives if they hear their parents bear a testimony of some kind to them every day of their lives? I know that Jesus and Heavenly Father love us perfectly. Their greatest desire is our immortality and eternal life--with them. I know that is true. If you haven't read this article, I commend it to you.
I also learned a couple of things from the Doctrine and Covenants. This is from D & C 38: 4. It talks about us being taken into 'mine own bosom'. "To be 'in the bosom' of someone is an ancient Hebrew idiom derived from the fact that anciently a man's clothing consisted of large flowing robes wrapped around the person and tied with a sash, forming a spacious respository (sound familiar?) above the waist in which things, including children, were often carried. Something so carried was kept close to the chest or bosom, so the phrase 'to be in the bosom of another' implied a very close and favored relationship." Doctrine & Covenants Student Manual pg. 76.
One final thing I learned. D & C 36:8 "Gird up your loins" "In Biblical language, to 'gird up your loins' is to prepare for a journey or for work. The Hebrews wore girdles (sashes) when traveling, and when at work. On such occasions they gird their clothes about them (by tucking them under the sash) to ensure free movement of their limbs. The servants of the Lord must be prepared to do His work, and to go when He calls." Smith and Sjodahl, Commentary, P. 201. Another temple insight for me. I hope you will also pass along those 'aha' moments you have. Love, Mom/Debby
I was reading the First Pres. message this month by Pres. Eyring. I felt his words were true. He said, "Truth can prepare its own way. Simply hearing the words of doctrine can plant the seed of faith in the heart." I know that I need to have more confidence in the power of the word.
"The best time to teach is early, while children are still immune to the temptations of their mortal enemy and long before the words of truth may be harder still for them to hear in the noise of their personal struggles...The question must be, 'With so little time and so few opportunities, what words of doctrine from me will fortify them against the attacks on their faith which are sure to come?'" I had never thought about it that way, about teaching young children. Anyway, if I had thought it before, I relearned it today. For all of you parents out there, can you imagine the impact on your children's lives if they hear their parents bear a testimony of some kind to them every day of their lives? I know that Jesus and Heavenly Father love us perfectly. Their greatest desire is our immortality and eternal life--with them. I know that is true. If you haven't read this article, I commend it to you.
I also learned a couple of things from the Doctrine and Covenants. This is from D & C 38: 4. It talks about us being taken into 'mine own bosom'. "To be 'in the bosom' of someone is an ancient Hebrew idiom derived from the fact that anciently a man's clothing consisted of large flowing robes wrapped around the person and tied with a sash, forming a spacious respository (sound familiar?) above the waist in which things, including children, were often carried. Something so carried was kept close to the chest or bosom, so the phrase 'to be in the bosom of another' implied a very close and favored relationship." Doctrine & Covenants Student Manual pg. 76.
One final thing I learned. D & C 36:8 "Gird up your loins" "In Biblical language, to 'gird up your loins' is to prepare for a journey or for work. The Hebrews wore girdles (sashes) when traveling, and when at work. On such occasions they gird their clothes about them (by tucking them under the sash) to ensure free movement of their limbs. The servants of the Lord must be prepared to do His work, and to go when He calls." Smith and Sjodahl, Commentary, P. 201. Another temple insight for me. I hope you will also pass along those 'aha' moments you have. Love, Mom/Debby
Monday, March 30, 2009
Cole's update
Everything went very well with Cole's procedure today. We are home and he is nursing and smiling like always. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I was more relaxed then I thought I would be. I even dozed off in the waiting room for a bit. Thanks again!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Baby Cole
Friday, March 27, 2009
Illegal Soap?
Hey Becky and Ray, what's this all about?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Principle of Compensation
Due to sick kids, I got to got to church alone on Sunday. It was amazing how much I got out of it!! Our RS lesson was on Elder Wirthlin's conference talk entitled "Come What May, and Love It". It was about adversity and how we should try to deal with it in our lives. He says, "The way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life". He divided his talk in to 4 areas of focus. They were:
The third thing we can do is understand the principle of compensation. The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude.
One of the blessings of the gospel is the knowledge that when the curtain of death signals the end of our mortal lives, life will continue on the other side of the veil. There we will be given new opportunities. Not even death can take from us the eternal blessings promised by a loving Heavenly Father.
Because Heavenly Father is merciful, a principle of compensation prevails.
- Learn to Laugh
- Seek for the eternal
- The principle of compensation
- Trust in the Father and the Son
The principle of compensation was new to me. I was really excited to learn something so enlightening and I wanted to share. Elder Wirthlin says:
One of the blessings of the gospel is the knowledge that when the curtain of death signals the end of our mortal lives, life will continue on the other side of the veil. There we will be given new opportunities. Not even death can take from us the eternal blessings promised by a loving Heavenly Father.
Because Heavenly Father is merciful, a principle of compensation prevails.
This makes sense to me, but I have never heard it stated as a "principle" in this way. It is so comforting to know that Heavenly Father loves us so much that he will compensate us for all of our struggles and hardships if we remain faithful. I would love to hear about anyone who has experienced the principle of compensation in their lives.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Second Temple Video

I noticed this second video last night (well, early this morning) while looking at my lesson for the billionth time... Does anyone know where the temple is with the scene at 1:40? I love that endowment room! All I have seen are the ones with the plain walls! Is the garden and the mountain the same room? Abby! You have such good things to look forward to!
Also, what are you favorite temples?
I love DC- it is majestic, especially on the approach from Maryland- and I LOVE the stairs- ABBY ASK TO USE THE STAIRS, not the elevator when you get your endowments!!
I thought the Jordan River Temple was like lazy heaven- people go to the endowment ceremony via escalator all dressed in temple clothes. It made me smile.
I want to visit the inside of San Diego, Idaho Falls, and Salt Lake City Temple. I have been to Salt Lake City 4 times and despite the temple square mission president working it out so that sisters would watch Valerie so I could go, she refused, 2 times I went during maintenance and once, there was just no time. Sadness. Anyway. I love temples, they make me happy! Here are the temples I have seen (and taken pictures of ;-)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Story time!
Hi family. I just wanted to tell you all a story. It's a little long, and most of you have probably already heard at least some of it, although not from me. :o) I wanted to wait for the ending so I could share it all.
I love when the Lord uses timing to remind us He's aware of us, and to make sure we know we're moving in the right direction. In this case, He seemed to want to make it painstakingly clear. (He probably figured I'd be a little averse to the extra debt and would need the push.)
You all know I've been on the prowl for an internship for the summer. And you all know the market is ridiculous right now, and the odds of me finding one are pretty slim. And forget about any kind of paycheck! My whole class is all just trying to find people that will let us do a bunch of their work for free. It begs the question: what do I like doing enough that I would do it for free, just to have the opportunity to do it?
School has helped me to focus my mind and find the answer to this question. I am passionate about microfinance. It is the kind of work that I could be proud to stand behind, a cause that would get me out of bed every morning so I could help it to move forward. Whether or not I actually need an advanced degree to work in this field, my MBA already feels worthwhile because it's helped me to figure this out.
So. AU has a search engine called CareerBeam to help us in our quest. One feature I discovered is that you can look up a company, then connect to LinkedIn (Think Facebook, except for working professionals) and it will tell you the degrees of separation between you and someone who is affiliated with that company. I looked up the microfinance org FINCA International, and learned that I knew someone directly who had worked there before. I hadn't seen him in over a year, but at least I knew someone!
Two days later, I bumped into him at a party. (This guy is married, and this was a singles ward party, which makes the fact that we crossed paths even more amazing.) He was very willing to help me out, and suggested that I talk to a guy named Otso, because he also used to work with a different microfinance bank. Interestingly enough, I had met Otso at Institute two days before.
I sought out Otso the next week, only to learn that he used to be the CEO of Yehu Microfinance, an organization based in Kenya. Not only that, but he was still on the advisory board and still conducted interviews for internships. We talked some more, and through his questions ("Have you ever been to a third world country?" "What were the conditions like - did you stay in nice hotels?") I realized that this wasn't a DC-based office job where I'd be doing good from afar. It would be in Mombasa, Kenya, on the frontlines. There would be some office work, but I would also get to actually be where everything is happening, to meet the people I'd be helping. This is the exact setup I hoped for the chance to try (knowing that this summer would probably be my last window of opportunity) but I did not expect to find it.
Otso asked me to send him my resume, and we'd get together and talk. Even this aspect seems divinely guided, because my resume had just come out of a major overhaul that same morning, where everything my resume said was now intentionally geared toward attracting microfinance-related employment.
Needless to say, after our conversation, I was starry-eyed. This option just made so much sense, and the way everything had fallen into place was just too perfect to be coincidence. I felt so compelled to follow this to the end, and so sure that it was already a done deal. To be honest, after that conversation with Otso, all other internship pursuits dropped off my radar. I figured, why bother? I already found it. Even the way I talked about it was always "when I go to Kenya," not "if." I haven't even considered being concerned about the location because clearly I'm supposed to go there, so I'll be taken care of. And as mom pointed out, I'll be going through the temple just a little over a month before I leave, so I'll be extra-protected.
To make a long story just a little longer, over the next few weeks I met with Otso again, then he directed me to some people in Orem who are in charge of the actual hiring. After completing an application, sending several emails, and making a few phone calls, they confirmed today that I'm in. I'm going to Kenya!
So now you know the whole story.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
AI--11 left.
OK,i can't believe i am the first to post this. just watched american idol. i was actually laughing through adam's. it was too bizarre for me. really, really liked kris and matt, and anoop!!! really liked anoop. the downside for me to kris, when he sings he moves his mouth and lips like jason--is that the name of the long haired dread locks guy from last season, and that drove me crazy. allison was fabulous, as well. didn't really like lil, michael wasn't great, i don't like the little moves that meagan does, her song was ok, didn't love it. danny was good, but where in the world did that white jacket come from? blind guy can't even think of his name, it was fair. didn't like the little blonde's song very much. who do you think will go? maybe michael, maybe the little blonde? maybe blind guy? mom
Costa Rica
Hi everyone. I don't have any time to tell any stories about my trip yet, but here's some pics for you to enjoy. When I get around to telling actual stories, it'll probably just be on my blog, so keep your eyes open for travel story time!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Why Mormons Build Temples
I'm posting this to soothe your outrage over HBO's depravity and bad taste. It is brief, but very informative and well done. I suggest you send the youtube link to anyone who asks you about the temple. It will help them understand.
FBE - a repeat
Since there were only two comments on last week's FBE (thanks Matt and Crystal,) we're going to leave it on for another week, because I watched it in its entirety again today, and again found it very instructive, especially applicable to all of you married couples, as well as to Abby who will be going through the temple in less than a month. Elder Hales talks about vital things to each of us - especially the parts about provident living and temple covenants. Sage advice from a very wise and inspired man. Below, I will copy his conclusion. It is also good, but I ask that you each at least watch the parts about provident living and temple covenants. I would suggest that you couples watch those parts together for an extended home evening tommorrow night after the kids are in bed. You both need to watch it and it will probably take 20 minutes. To prepare and make it less time consuming, sometime tommorrow, click the link in my original post below, and then click the English video stream and let it run to the end, but leave it up until you are together. Then just drag the cursor to about the 3/5s point, and watch. It will be worth your time. Then share your comments with all of us.
Here's Elder Hales' conclusion:
I have observed over the years, many couples who have maintained strong and vital marriages as they have remained true to there temple covenants. Let me share with you what I have seen these successful couples do. These seemingly little things have fortified and strengthened not only themselves, but their families.
First, Couples who build strong marriages and families know who they are. They know they are a son or daughter of God, and they set eternal goals to once again live with our Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. They strive to leave the ways of the natural man behind.
Second, they know the doctrines of the gospel and the importance of the temple ordinances and covenants. They know that keeping their covenant is necessary to obtaining eternal goals.
Third, they choose to obtain the eternal blessings of the Kingdom of God, rather than temporal and temporary possessions of the world. They seek high ground, and stay there.
Fourth, such couples realize that when they are sealed for time and all eternity, they have chosen an eternal companion. There is no need to look any further. Their courting days are over.
Fifth, these couples think of one another before themselves. They grow together and not apart as they serve one another, love one another, care for one another, and as they communicate together with the Lord in prayer. They converse often with one another, thereby never letting little things become big things. They talk early about the little hurts, with little fear of offending. This way, they avoid big explosions or bitter feelings. It is so much better to let off a little steam before the top blows on a pressure cooker. These couples seek one another’s good, and avoid selfishness which suffocates spiritual sensitivity. They do not nag, ridicule, or speak ill of one another to others. They know that such language damages the eternal potential of their relationship. They are willing to change their hearts to repent, apologize, if they have hurt the one they love. They work now to improve their relationship, knowing they are not suddenly going to become nicer when they die. They cultivate a thoughtful, considerate spirit and love one another always. In so doing, they lift each other to high ground and strengthen one another to stay there, and they make a determination that they will always remain there on the high ground together.
Since there were only two comments on last week's FBE (thanks Matt and Crystal,) we're going to leave it on for another week, because I watched it in its entirety again today, and again found it very instructive, especially applicable to all of you married couples, as well as to Abby who will be going through the temple in less than a month. Elder Hales talks about vital things to each of us - especially the parts about provident living and temple covenants. Sage advice from a very wise and inspired man. Below, I will copy his conclusion. It is also good, but I ask that you each at least watch the parts about provident living and temple covenants. I would suggest that you couples watch those parts together for an extended home evening tommorrow night after the kids are in bed. You both need to watch it and it will probably take 20 minutes. To prepare and make it less time consuming, sometime tommorrow, click the link in my original post below, and then click the English video stream and let it run to the end, but leave it up until you are together. Then just drag the cursor to about the 3/5s point, and watch. It will be worth your time. Then share your comments with all of us.
Here's Elder Hales' conclusion:
I have observed over the years, many couples who have maintained strong and vital marriages as they have remained true to there temple covenants. Let me share with you what I have seen these successful couples do. These seemingly little things have fortified and strengthened not only themselves, but their families.
First, Couples who build strong marriages and families know who they are. They know they are a son or daughter of God, and they set eternal goals to once again live with our Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. They strive to leave the ways of the natural man behind.
Second, they know the doctrines of the gospel and the importance of the temple ordinances and covenants. They know that keeping their covenant is necessary to obtaining eternal goals.
Third, they choose to obtain the eternal blessings of the Kingdom of God, rather than temporal and temporary possessions of the world. They seek high ground, and stay there.
Fourth, such couples realize that when they are sealed for time and all eternity, they have chosen an eternal companion. There is no need to look any further. Their courting days are over.
Fifth, these couples think of one another before themselves. They grow together and not apart as they serve one another, love one another, care for one another, and as they communicate together with the Lord in prayer. They converse often with one another, thereby never letting little things become big things. They talk early about the little hurts, with little fear of offending. This way, they avoid big explosions or bitter feelings. It is so much better to let off a little steam before the top blows on a pressure cooker. These couples seek one another’s good, and avoid selfishness which suffocates spiritual sensitivity. They do not nag, ridicule, or speak ill of one another to others. They know that such language damages the eternal potential of their relationship. They are willing to change their hearts to repent, apologize, if they have hurt the one they love. They work now to improve their relationship, knowing they are not suddenly going to become nicer when they die. They cultivate a thoughtful, considerate spirit and love one another always. In so doing, they lift each other to high ground and strengthen one another to stay there, and they make a determination that they will always remain there on the high ground together.
It is that time of year again folks. I don't remember who won last year. I think It was Ray. But I am excited for another bracket tournament.
I remember it seemed like yesterday that I was leaving Crystal an voicemail about Duke almost loosing in the first round....Oh, I can only hope for this year.
Ray, are you on the Gonzaga band waggon now that you are back in the northwest or are you find of the non-giant slayer Utah State.
Colin, No VT, but are you keeping the ACC pride?
Abby, there is a team in the tournament named American University. I think you should pick them to go all the way, after all, they are named American.
And everyone else, BYU, UCLA, UNC?
Good Luck.
Here is the link.
create a login, search for group name: croshaws
I remember it seemed like yesterday that I was leaving Crystal an voicemail about Duke almost loosing in the first round....Oh, I can only hope for this year.
Ray, are you on the Gonzaga band waggon now that you are back in the northwest or are you find of the non-giant slayer Utah State.
Colin, No VT, but are you keeping the ACC pride?
Abby, there is a team in the tournament named American University. I think you should pick them to go all the way, after all, they are named American.
And everyone else, BYU, UCLA, UNC?
Good Luck.
Here is the link.
create a login, search for group name: croshaws
Andrews KLetter
Friday. we received a letter from Andrew and I thought I would share it with you. Andrew is always writing stories and this one is about your grandfather:
Once upon a time there was a man named Gearld Christensen the lst who was a navy recruit in March 1945. Now he is in the arms of his beloved family. His great interest is reading he read all of the books in his bookcase he also likes sports, politics, & gardening. Right now I hate his condition he has prostate cancer. I love that god is taking care of him. I'm named after him, my middle name is Gearld. I'm also named after his son my grandfather his name is Gearld too! Well I love him and that's all he needs to know.
This is copied verbatum. Dad and I spoke in church today and I read to all those grandmothers and grandfathers this letter. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. We thank the Lord for each and everyone you every day. I too love that God is taking care of him.
Once upon a time there was a man named Gearld Christensen the lst who was a navy recruit in March 1945. Now he is in the arms of his beloved family. His great interest is reading he read all of the books in his bookcase he also likes sports, politics, & gardening. Right now I hate his condition he has prostate cancer. I love that god is taking care of him. I'm named after him, my middle name is Gearld. I'm also named after his son my grandfather his name is Gearld too! Well I love him and that's all he needs to know.
This is copied verbatum. Dad and I spoke in church today and I read to all those grandmothers and grandfathers this letter. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. We thank the Lord for each and everyone you every day. I too love that God is taking care of him.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Staying On the Path
I had my Relief Society birthday dinner last night. We got a copy of a Brue R. McConkie quote I wanted to share. I sometimes get to feeling like I can never get everything right. We all make mistakes, and it's nice to know that just trying counts for something.
We don't have to get a complex or get a feeling that you have to be perfect to be saved. You don't. There's only been one perfect person, and that is the Lord Jesus. But in order to be saved in that Kingdom of God and in order to pass the test of mortality, what you have to do is get on the straight and narrow path--thus charting a course leading to eternal life--and then, being on that path, pass out of this lfe in full fellowship...If you're on that path and pressing forward, and you die, you'll never get off the path. There is no such thing as falling off the straight and narrow path in the life to come, and the reason is that this life is the time that is given to men to prepare for eternity...You don't have to live a life that is truer than true. You don't have to have an excessive zeal that becomes fanatical and becomes unbalancing. What you have to do is stay in the mainstream of the Church and live as upright and decent people live in the Church--keeping the commandments, paying your tithing, serving in the organizations of the Church, loving the Lord, staying on the straight and narrow path. If you're on that path and death comes--because this is the time and day appointed, this is the probationary estate--you'll never fall off from it, and, for all practical purposes, your calling and election is made sure.
Bruce R McConkie, "The Probationary Test of Mortality,"
January 10, 1982
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Everything´s amazing, nobody´s happy
For your viewing pleasure.
Please click here.
My next post will be lots of beautiful pictures from a faraway land.
xoxo Abby
Please click here.
My next post will be lots of beautiful pictures from a faraway land.
xoxo Abby
Big Love/ Temple ceremony
I have received a few emails about the HBO show Big Love. I have heard little about the show until now but the church has released an offical statement regarding the show and upcoming episodes. It just makes me sick to think that our sacred temple ceremony could be depicted on television for the world to see.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Top 13
Okay, funniest line of the night goes to Ryan.
HAHAHAHA!!!! Oh my word, I was laughing forever about that one. I don't think I'd know what a herky was without Lark. I don't know if I even spelled it right, and they don't have the definition under any spelling I could think of on dictionary.com. Anywho...tonight so many of them were good!!
Lil-not as good as I would have thought, but I still like her.
Scott-I hate to say it, but I really think he's got the sympathy vote
Danny-loved him, even his dancing
Michael-I was really suprised by how good he did
Jasmine-didn't like her, I didn't think she should have got a wildcard pick, but I think they had to pick 2 girls with all the boys that were already in it
Kris-he was pretty good, and I love Jason Mraz which he reminded me (and Randy) of
Allison-she's amazing
Anoop-was disappointed, but I still like him
Jorge-thought he did pretty good
Megan-still love her!! I wish she would have chose a different song, but I want to hear more from her
Adam-I decided I just would not be a fan of someone like Adam, I'd never buy his CD, but he is really really good.
Matt-he's got a great voice, even better when he's playing the piano
Alexis-I really liked her song tonight, even though the judges didn't
That's the first time we've seen Paula do a herky this season.
HAHAHAHA!!!! Oh my word, I was laughing forever about that one. I don't think I'd know what a herky was without Lark. I don't know if I even spelled it right, and they don't have the definition under any spelling I could think of on dictionary.com. Anywho...tonight so many of them were good!!
Lil-not as good as I would have thought, but I still like her.
Scott-I hate to say it, but I really think he's got the sympathy vote
Danny-loved him, even his dancing
Michael-I was really suprised by how good he did
Jasmine-didn't like her, I didn't think she should have got a wildcard pick, but I think they had to pick 2 girls with all the boys that were already in it
Kris-he was pretty good, and I love Jason Mraz which he reminded me (and Randy) of
Allison-she's amazing
Anoop-was disappointed, but I still like him
Jorge-thought he did pretty good
Megan-still love her!! I wish she would have chose a different song, but I want to hear more from her
Adam-I decided I just would not be a fan of someone like Adam, I'd never buy his CD, but he is really really good.
Matt-he's got a great voice, even better when he's playing the piano
Alexis-I really liked her song tonight, even though the judges didn't
Monday, March 9, 2009
Family Blog Evening

So, I've decided to make that talk the topic for this week's FBE. Click the link to lds.org, and follow the directions to download either audio or video versions. It is probably 45ish minutes long. What I would suggest is that if possible, you watch it or listen with your spouse (Abby, with your traveling friend,) so you can discuss it's relativity to your family, and then share your impressions with the rest of us here. I know finding that much time this week to dedicate together to this project may be difficult, but it is very good and will be well worth your time. Maybe you could do it for the real FHE. Hope to hear from you.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Lilia!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
12:20 am, where are your children?
Hello, guys.
She says, you know the monkey bar rules
As she kisses away his playground bruise
You dont have to skip a bar each time
To make it to the other side
She picked him up from out of the sand
Then tied the shoelace that read, superman
We all fall down
Its the gettin back up that really counts
We live and we learn
To help someone up when its their turn
In life theres only one guarantee
Your feet wont always be on the ground
cause we all fall down
She says I know what youre goin through
As she talks to the door of her daughters room
Your heart feels like its broken in two
But, baby, Im here for you
The door opened and she stepped inside
She put her arms around her and said, its ok to cry
Hes forty-five and his job is gone
Cleans out his desk and he heads on home
Sees his kids out playin in the yard
Its been a while since hes been hit so hard
Hes as scared as a man can be
He tells his wife and she says, honey, look at me
We all fall down
Its the gettin back up that really counts
We live and we learn
To help someone up when its their turn
In life theres only one guarantee
Your feet wont always be on the ground
cause we all fall down
It is 12:20 am and although I have been preparing my Young Women lesson all week, I need some help. Three weeks ago, I was supposed to teach on Homemaking. Being that I really do not have the kind of experience that the manual, the scriptures and Temple covenants overtly refer to on this topic, I asked someone else to teach this lesson. I struggled with it for weeks before deciding (and getting confirmation) that that was what I was supposed to do. I felt strongly I could not teach on this subject because not only do I not have that experience in my life, nor do the women I have known in my family (my 70 year old grandmother JUST retired from physical, manual labor last year, though now her IRA is worth 30,000), but also, being as such, I do not have a testimony of Homemaking. I desire to develop a testimony of that, it is something I hope I will be experiencing soon. Yes, I know that I am Homemaking in some ways, but believe me, if you saw how bare-bones my homemaking is, it would make you feel the same way as I did about teaching that lesson in terms of my ability to teach it.
Sunday's lesson is on Strengthening the Family. I can teach on that in a way unique to my own life experience, where I have (gladly) tried to strengthen my brothers and mother and my children and husband, but that is not what I need to teach about. I need to teach about how being strengthened has affected lives... again, as I have never been the object of strengthening from my family in my own experience, I feel that I would greatly benefit from hearing specific, personal examples from you as to how you have been strengthened by your family.
Also, I do have this testimony- being a member of the church is the most-amazing blessing I could have given my children. I have taken to watching BYU channel at night (there is only so much FoxNews I can take and Big Love is only on once a week) and I have been so touched by the stories, particularly of the Martin and Willie handcart companies and Elder Groberg because of the stories that I have learned of families.
I want to share something with you. My family is not a good one. It is really not good. In my family, if you need help, you go without help, if you need strengthening, you are called out for being week, if you are sick, most of the time, no one even knows (fun memory: hey, I am just calling to let you know I have been in the hospital for the last 8 days, I had to be resuscitated. Response: hmm... I have groceries in the car, bye.")
It breaks my heart on so many levels because I do not see it changing in my brothers' families for their children. Two weeks ago, I asked my brother how my nieces are. He said "I dunno." He had not seen them in weeks. My nephew lives with an "aunt, " my other niece has never had a crib or a bedroom.
It breaks my heart on so many levels because I do not see it changing in my brothers' families for their children. Two weeks ago, I asked my brother how my nieces are. He said "I dunno." He had not seen them in weeks. My nephew lives with an "aunt, " my other niece has never had a crib or a bedroom.
I have had in me always, a desire to give more to my own children. That is why I work two jobs. That is why I am so funny about clothes for them, but not myself. That is why I do most things in my life. I look into big brown eyes and deep blue eyes and I see precious angels. I myself feel like I was always looked at as a mistake. That is a terrible thing to "put" on a child. I am not looking for sympathy, I am saying I am so grateful to God that He sent missionaries to me, an amazing husband who truly loves me, children who snuggle into me every chance they get, and amazing in-laws that I fear I annoy more than anyone will admit, BUT. I am learning here. It is hard to not prove myself when that is the ONLY thing that has gotten me ahead in this life. I am learning. I am also way too sensitive, I do feel inferior, jealous, envious to the max, but I am looking to strengthen and be strengthened. I feel particularly impressed lately that I must make time for both of those things, whatever that means.
Please, share with me specific instances in which you have been strengthened by your family.
Here is the kind of woman I aim to be:
She says, you know the monkey bar rules
As she kisses away his playground bruise
You dont have to skip a bar each time
To make it to the other side
She picked him up from out of the sand
Then tied the shoelace that read, superman
We all fall down
Its the gettin back up that really counts
We live and we learn
To help someone up when its their turn
In life theres only one guarantee
Your feet wont always be on the ground
cause we all fall down
She says I know what youre goin through
As she talks to the door of her daughters room
Your heart feels like its broken in two
But, baby, Im here for you
The door opened and she stepped inside
She put her arms around her and said, its ok to cry
Hes forty-five and his job is gone
Cleans out his desk and he heads on home
Sees his kids out playin in the yard
Its been a while since hes been hit so hard
Hes as scared as a man can be
He tells his wife and she says, honey, look at me
We all fall down
Its the gettin back up that really counts
We live and we learn
To help someone up when its their turn
In life theres only one guarantee
Your feet wont always be on the ground
cause we all fall down
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Winona Victoria Stone

Thirty years ago today my Grandma Scott died. I don't think any of you got to know her. It is your loss. I always felt such love whenever we visited Grandma Scott. I didn't really see her very often, maybe every other year, but every time we saw her was a treat. She made the most delicious homemade bread. She shaped every loaf into individual thick pieces of bread, kind of like those pull aparts if you have ever had them. I mostly remember being in her kitchen. What a happy place it is in my memory. She also told us wonderful, funny stories. She came out for my wedding in 1973. I don't know if I appreciated it as much then as I do now. It was a long drive, and she looked so beautiful at the reception. I just wanted to give all of you a little piece of her today. I am also including a photo of Maggie--she kind of looks like a Scott to me in it. Grandma is the little girl on the left.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
American Idol take 4?, 5? 6?
anyway, i thought it was kind of icky, but then the end sort of redeemed it for me. i really liked jorge and lil rounds a lot. i also kind of liked ju'not and von smith. i like christen macnamera, or however you spell it, but i don't think she has a chance, don't love scott, the blind guy, has nothing to do with his being blind, and that one other girl was really good, felicity, or something like that, dark hair, sparkley black shirt... what did y'all think?
do the judges pick the wildcards?
do the judges pick the wildcards?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Family Blog Evening
It is my turn, so I thought I would tell you a little about our trip to Hawaii. very little... A very nice, lowkey trip. We didn't do a lot, but the things we did were good. We spent a good deal of time discussing spiritual things. We also had many, many whale sightings from our little deck, and the whale, i believe, is one of the most magnificent animals on the planet, after the homo sapien, of course. We will tell you more of those experiences when we are in person. However, the point of this post is the blessing of having good, righteous friends. It is so inspiring to be able to talk about the nuts and bolts of the gospel with good friends; to be able to have open, heart felt conversations with likeminded people is a gift. You are all familiar with the scripture in Alma 17, when after 14 years he is reunited with his friends, "...and what added to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord." We don't see the Knapps very often (sometimes not even once a year), but that doesn't change our friendship, or our ability to communicate freely.
My question to you --How has your life been enriched by righteous friends?
My question to you --How has your life been enriched by righteous friends?
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